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Item No.: YF0027849
Item name: ElectricSurpriseMonsterGamewithSound
Product Size: 25.00 × 20.00 × 22.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 86.00 × 31.50 × 73.50 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
Other BO Toys
Item No.: YF0027849
Product Size:25.00 × 20.00 × 22.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 86.00 × 31.50 × 73.50 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.199  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 16.00/ 14.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 0
Outer Box:18  PCS
Description:     Whenreachingouttostealbananas,themonsterwillgiveawarningsound.Pleasebecarefulwhenthemonsterfindsout.Whenthebananaisstolen,themonsterwillgiveasimulatedroarsound,andthefistwillhammeryoudown.
Item No.: YF002785
Item name: 1:5 RC Car (RC Autos)
Product Size: 86.00 × 31.00 × 24.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 107.50 × 40.00 × 71.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 10.78(CUFT)
RC Cars (RC Autos)
Item No.: YF002785
1:5 RC Car (RC Autos)
Product Size:86.00 × 31.00 × 24.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 86.00 × 40.00 × 71.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 10.78(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.305  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 18.00/ 15.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 2
Outer Box:2  PCS
Description:     Playing time: more than 30 min Flight area: more than 60 M Charging time: 3-4 Hours Battery:9.6V 1000MAH Ni-CD batteries Product features: forward, backward, left, right, with light and sound Color: red and black
Item No.: YF0027851
Item name: Thestoryoffoxandchicken
Product Size: 43.00 × 43.00 × 20.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 90.50 × 41.50 × 80.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
Other BO Toys
Item No.: YF0027851
Product Size:43.00 × 43.00 × 20.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 86.00 × 41.50 × 80.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.3  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 18.00/ 16.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 0
Outer Box:12  PCS
Description:     Playerstaketurnstopressthebuttontostealthehen#17scoins.Whentheystealthecoins,ifthefoxisknockeddownbythewoodenstickheldbytherotatinghen,theplayerofthefoxisout.Finally,thenumberofcoinsiscountedandmorecoinswin.
Item No.: YF0027852
Item name: InductionQuadcopter
Product Size: 11.00 × 11.00 × 6.30 (CM)
Carton Size: 84.50 × 36.00 × 54.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
RC Quadcopter
Item No.: YF0027852
Product Size:11.00 × 11.00 × 6.30 (CM)
Carton Size: 86.00 × 36.00 × 54.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.164  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 11.50/ 8.50 (KG)
Inner Box: 2
Outer Box:72  PCS
Description:     Features:JUSTTHROWTOFLY--AnyonecanflyScoot!!Idealkidschristmasgifts.ThisminidroneuseadvancedLEDinfraredsensorhovertechnology,inductivesuspensionandcollisionprotection.Amazingfeaturethattheballcanflyintheoppositedirectionwhenyourhandsareclosetoit,built-ingyroscopecancontrolaccuracyandsensitivitytomakebalance.Youjustneedtogentlythrowtheballintheair,thenitcanstarttoflyimmediately.FLOATINGAND360°ROTATING--Theflyingballhasfourpowermotorfastrotationtoprovidepowertomakeitself360°Rotatingflying.Thereisalwaysahighhoverduringtheflightwhenflyingtoacertainlevel,grabtheballtoflipthenitwillstopflying.Youcanuseyourhandstocontrolitintheairforinteractiveplay,supercoolandsuperfuntouse!STRONGAIRCRAFTBODY--Theflyingtoysaremadeofhighqualitynon-toxicABSmaterial.Thepropellerwasencasedbyflexiblebody,protectingchildren#17seyesandskinfromdamage.Itisverysturdyandwillresistdamagewhenitfalls,andtheballwillmoveawayintelligentlywhenitdetectsasolidobject.LEDLIGHTS--TheLEDlightswhenitglowinthedarkoratnight,easyforyouorkidstochase,findandgrabit.Greatgadgetstoy!Specifications:Color:Purple,green,goldPlayingtime:about5-8minutesChargingtime:about25minutesControldistance:about8-10metersQuadcoptersize:11*11*6.3CMBoxsize:13*11*12CMCartonsize:84.5*36*54CMG.W./N.W.:11.5/8.5KGSPackinglist:Flyingquadcopter*1,USBCable*1,Screwdriver*1,Manual*1.
Item No.: YF0027857
Item name: 1:14Scale4CHRCCar
Product Size: 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 108.00 × 40.00 × 83.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
RC Cars (RC Autos)
Item No.: YF0027857
Product Size:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 86.00 × 40.00 × 83.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.359  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 25.50/ 20.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 2
Outer Box:36  PCS