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Item No.: YF0030065
Item name: MiddleRCRobot
Product Size: 22.00 × 12.00 × 24.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 58.00 × 53.00 × 88.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
RC Robot
Item No.: YF0030065
Product Size:22.00 × 12.00 × 24.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 58.00 × 53.00 × 88.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.271  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 21.00/ 19.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 0
Outer Box:24  PCS
Description:     Features:Thisintelligentrobotcanbeprogrammedtoperformthemovementsyouhavecreated.TheRCrobotcanwalkandslide.Therobottoycontainsforward,backward,turnleftandright,Intellectualprogramming,Singinganddancing,Autodisplay,360degreerotationandLEDlightssothatchildrencanacquireknowledgewhileplayingandstimulatelearninginterest.Thisremote-controlledrobotisthebestgiftideaforyourchildren,whichcanbringchildrenalotoffunsinging,dancing,walking,slidingandinteracting.Itisnotonlyatoyrobot,butalsoacompanionforchildren.Specification:Color:red,blueControldistance:about10metersProductbattery:4*AAbatterybattery(notinclude)Controllerbattery:3*AAbattery(notinclude)Packinglist:RCRobot*1,Controller*1.
Item No.: YF0030066
Item name: BigRCRobot
Product Size: 37.00 × 20.00 × 40.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 91.00 × 41.00 × 67.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
RC Robot
Item No.: YF0030066
Product Size:37.00 × 20.00 × 40.00 (CM)
Carton Size: 58.00 × 41.00 × 67.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.25  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 14.20/ 11.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 0
Outer Box:6  PCS
Description:     Features:Youcanprogramtheactionsasyoulike,thentherobotastronautwillrepeatwhatyouprogrammedactionswithoutremotecontrol.Witharealisticastronautlookand180°rotatablearms,yourlittlekidscanacquireendlessfun.Thisbatterypoweredrobotcomeswithremotecontrolandtonsoffunctions,likewalk,slide,glide,360degreerotateanddance.WithLEDlightsandmusic,thetoyisanamazinggiftforkidsabove3yearsoldandcanalsosatisfychildren#17scuriosity.Specification:Color:Red,bluePlayingtime:about30-40minutesChargingtime:about1hourControldistance:about10metersProductbattery:3.7V1500MAHbatteryControllerbattery:3*AAbattery(notinclude)Packinglist:RCRobot*1,Controller*1,USBCable.
Item No.: YF0030077
Item name: 2.4GHz1/12ScaleRCCar
Product Size: 34.00 × 15.00 × 8.50 (CM)
Carton Size: 73.50 × 50.00 × 52.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
RC Cars (RC Autos)
Item No.: YF0030077
Product Size:34.00 × 15.00 × 8.50 (CM)
Carton Size: 58.00 × 50.00 × 52.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 0.00(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.191  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 12.00/ 10.10 (KG)
Inner Box: 0
Outer Box:6  PCS
Description:     Features:1.ThisRCstuntcarisequippedwitha2.4GHzremotecontrolsystemthatcanpreventsignalinterferencewhenthereareotherRCtoysnearbybeingplayedatthesametime.Strongstablesignalfornon-interference.2.Itcanopenthedoor,withsoundandlight.3.Function:forward,backward,turnleftandright.pecifications:Color:redCarbattery:6V/400mahbatteryControllerbattery:AA1.5v*2(notincluded)Speed:8km/hPlayingtime:about15-20minutesChargingtime:about2hoursControldistance:about25mPackinglist:RCCar*1,Controller*1,USBcable*1.
Item No.: YF003007
Item name: 3 CH RC Helicopter with Gyro
Product Size: 49.50 × 6.50 × 14.50 (CM)
Carton Size: 72.00 × 48.00 × 67.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 8.17(CUFT)
3 CH RC Helicopter with Gyro
Item No.: YF003007
3 CH RC Helicopter with Gyro
Product Size:49.50 × 6.50 × 14.50 (CM)
Carton Size: 58.00 × 48.00 × 67.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 8.17(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.232  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 17.90/ 15.70 (KG)
Inner Box: 0
Outer Box:12  PCS
Description:     Flying time:about 8-12 min Flight area:about 30 m Charging time: 120 mins Battery:7.4V,650MAH Li-ion batteries Product function:Up,Down,Forward,Backward,Turn left and right, with light. Color: orange, blue and red
Item No.: YF003008
Item name: BO Gun
Product Size: × × (CM)
Carton Size: 64.00 × 55.00 × 88.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 10.94(CUFT)
BO Gun
Item No.: YF003008
BO Gun
Product Size: × × (CM)
Carton Size: 58.00 × 55.00 × 88.00 (CM)
Packing: W/B
CUFT: 10.94(CUFT)
VOL.:  0.31  Cbm
G.W/N.W: 25.00/ 23.00 (KG)
Inner Box: 3
Outer Box:30  PCS